I am always interested in inteet marketing.Because the inteet market is vast & the potential of financial reward is huge. I am looking into all the aspect of inteet marketing - ' Selling on line ' so to speak. But I found it very confusing. Every time you subscribe to a newsletter or a teach you how to make money online courses, the writer/marketeer want to push on to you their product. Whether it works or not. The more information you get, the more confusion you become. Besides the technical information about the computer is over whelming,so is the information from all the marketeer in the WORLD WILD WEB. Who to trust ? Which inteet marketing course to spend your hard ea money on ? Will it work ? so many questions but no answers. Then one day ,I was checking out ' A ' newsletter referred by another newsletter that I subscrebed to. that'new' newsletter completly open my eyes. One of the concept in this newsletter said,'GET OUT OF TRADING HOURS FOR DOLLARS MENTALITY,AND FOCUS ON BUILDING ASSETS THAT MAKE MONEY FOR ME WHILE I AM NOT WORKING.' it make perfect sense for me. Say you are making $100 dollars an hour( a very good hourly wage), to ea $500,000 a year, you have to work 5000 hours a year(base on 100 hours a week for a year).To ea $1000,000 a year, you have to work 10000 hours a year. Can you work that many hours ? Difinitely NOT ! Because there are only 8760 hours in a year. On top of that, you will have no time to enjoy life. Most people can't work 2000 hours per year. In another scenario,if you build an asset( for exemple, a money making website for a niche market ),it will make money for you while you are working or sleeping. Day or night, no hourly restrictions. Because one of the beauty of the inteet marketing is - Every thing is done automatically by the software & the hardware. Conclusion - Building assets that makes money infinitely are far better than working for money. SAM WONG This is just one of the concept that i pick up, for more amazing concepts & techniques GO TO http://www.inteetprofitmentor.com. you will be glad that you did
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