The Power of Technology has brought so many conveniences to peoples� lives. This includes all the benefits people get from the Inteet. Everything was quite impossible before the invention of the Inteet. But now all the impossible became possible and doable. Before, nobody ever thought of the possibility of communicating anywhere in the world in seconds. No one has foreseen that one can ea a living while at the comforts of one�s home. Until finally, the Inteet has done it. Zeroing in on the income eaed from the Inteet and how money making has become possible and easy, people have embraced totally technology and have been taking advantage of all the benefits. That is where all these hype about the Inteet has been coming from and I too have loved it. With the Inteet, it is impossible for businesses to continue without a website. Customers expect them to have one for more information on their products and services. It is a way of presenting your business to customers. Advantages include: � A sign of being professional � Very little financial investment and start-up time � Presence in the worldwide web 24/7 � Efficient, effective and prompt communication medium � Cost-effective; savings from transportation, gasoline, food and suits that you should wear everyday in the office � Flexibility and freedom to work on your own schedule since you save a lot of time commuting to work than being stuck to traffic everyday � Free to experiment on marketing and sales strategies. Work your way to efficient sales strategies � Cost-effective way of finding and interacting with possible prospects � Easy way to automate your business with unlimited possibilities. Establish your order/payment system effectively, customer/technical support and inventory management system. The Inteet too has fulfilled the dreams of mothers, working students and those who want to ea extra bucks. But there are issues too that they have to consider before making a decision to join the ranks of professionals working at home. � FAMILY TIME. Since you are easily seen at home and available especially if you are a major decision maker, your family can readily barge into your home office for decision, chores and drained up sink. This means interruption to your work. There are no secretaries or voice mail to take your calls and messages. � NO TRAFFIC AND COMMUTING. Obviously, this is a tempting and attractive setup for those working at home. Imagine your bed just in the coer or in another room, a few steps away and the television set. This can be quite tempting too. Just be careful and finish your work first. � WORK YOUR OWN SCHEDULE. A flexible schedule is one of the benefits of working at home. But it may also be a drawback especially if you have poor time management skills. Be sure to make this setup work for you than become your Achilles� heel. These are issues that you need to be guarded from. Though, they are easy to combat with three tactics: 1. Work on an office-home set-up to manage family interruptions. Close door would mean not available for any type of interruption not unless a matter of life and death scenario, half-closed door would mean available for interruption but with a very good reason and a wide open door meaning available for any interruption even the mundane ones. 2. Do your work first then play second. One benefit of work at home jobs is a flexible schedule but be sure to have a strict work plan and follow it. You may compensate for day offs with your family and friends by starting your work early regularly or staying up late at nights. 3. Provide a to-do-list, work plan or schedule of workday. Set an office hour like you are working in an office. Working at home too is a test of character. You have the chance to prove your worth, develop your self-esteem and confidence. In case you have not notice, changing your career path and choosing to ea a living at home affects four different areas of your life. � PERSONALITY � if you are naturally independent, this kind of job is best for you though you have to work on balancing the fact that it is only yourself you have to depend on. � FAMILY LIFE � as it is said, your family will have more quality time with you but balance need to be achieved between family and job. � MONEY IN THE POCKET � working anytime and anywhere and an inexpensive way to setup can give you good savings but it may take awhile before you ea something to save and there is an absence too of an effective IT support when it goes wrong. � WORK PRACTICALITIES � greatest challenge that you have to face while working home is the balance between family interruptions and job. All these are posted challenges to you as a home-based work professional but this should not stop you from enjoying all the benefits and the hype online.
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