Legal Music Downloads
Friday, July 17, 2009
With the scandals in past years involving the famous (or infamous) Napstar, more and more net users who love music are searching for good quality free legal music downloads. The Record Industry Association of America and the FBI are threatening to find and prosecute people who pass along illegal downloads. This is not an idle threat, since it is easier to trace people who download music illegally than it is to find people who make unauthorized recordings through conventional devices. Therefore, legal music downloads are a safer way of finding the music you want to listen to at no cost. Although some complain about the quality of most legal music downloads, fellow browers can give valuable hints and advice. There was once a vast library of legal music downloads with millions of recordings to choose from. This music "library" was, which was later bought by another company and taken offline (no doubt the purchaser realized that the company was giving jewels away for free). Although more than one lover of legal music downloads compared the dissolution of to the buing of the great library in Alexandria, there are ways to find great legal music downloads, although it takes much more investigation than was required in the heyday of Many independent musicians who are promoting their work provide legal music downloads from their sites for free. Although they may not be big names, they can sound like those at the top of the charts. It can be fun and exciting searching for these up and coming bands and downloading their music. You can get tips from other music lovers on what bands provide the best free music downloads, or many musicians will give you their information at concerts. The reason musicians can afford to offer free legal music downloads is that they see it as a way of promoting their music, and they know that those who enjoy the downloads often buy their CDs. It works on the same principle as the bookshop/cafes that allow shoppers to sip coffee and browse through their titles for free; samples increase actual sales. Since these independent musicians do not yet have big names, free legal music downloads is sometimes the only way they can give potential CD buyers an idea of their music. One of the best ways to find legal music downloads is through iRATE radio, which has a very large database of downloads, and enables the listener to download music, give reviews and rate each recording. You can look at other ratings and reviews as you submit your own, and from this feedback, you can find the best legal music downloads. IRATE radio will send you samples of music that fits your stipulated categories, and if you like a certain artist or style, it will automatically download new recordings for you. Word of mouth is the best way to locate your favorite legal music downloads, and several friends can get together and make a hobby out of searching for the best new downloads. It is a good idea to look through music magazines and e-zines for reviews of the best up and coming bands and artist. The reviewer will often give you a link to the artists' website which might contain free legal music downloads. However you find your music online, keep in mind that it is much easier and safer to stick to legal music downloads than to take advantage of offers that might involve a violation of copyright laws. In the old days of VHS, it was easy to just make a recording without anyone knowing about it, but most PCs can be easily traced, and your music downloads can be investigated by authorities. Therefore, if your dissatisfaction with the quality of many legal music downloads is tempting you to bend the rules, it might be a good idea to do a more thorough search among legal music downloads to find truly good ones. There are great independent bands out there who sound even better than the big names.
The Voip Revolution Is In Full Gear
Thursday, July 16, 2009
It's no understatement to say that VOIP has completely transormed the telecom world. Nothing is the same as it was even a mere decade ago, and that's because VOIP has become the killer app of broadband that technologists predicted. When early pioneers saw the potential of using common and cheap TCP connections to complete voice telephone calls over IP connections, they could not have imagined the incredible momentum their invention would take on in such a short amount of time. As the cost of broadband access plummeted, VOIP calls became a reality for millions of users. Telecom industry insiders have recently begun saying that they feel 90% of all voice calls will be VOIP within 3-5 years. Let's take a look at what VOIP is and what it can do for you. VOIP is a method which takes voice phone calls and then encodes them digitally. Once the call is digital it can be sent via the inteet to a remote listener. What makes this invention so revolutionary is that all of this can be done on a normal personal computer using easily available software. Once phone calls between continents costs incredible sums of money. Now the same call is almost completely free. This innovation has changed how people live and how businesses operate and has helped to make the econony truly global. Since the cost of talking to someone in Bangladesh is just as cheap as talking to someone in Fresno, Califoia, you have seen a revolution of jobs moving geographically and you've seen a boom in the outsourcing business. With VOIP, it no longer matters where you live, because you can talk to anyone in the world affordably. VOIP really took off when companies made adapters that allowed existing phones to make VOIP calls. This invention, plus the proliferation of broadband connections has allowed VOIP to spread incredibly fast. Since people can hook up easily and begin making free long distance phone calls, you can believe that most people haven't had to think twice before making the switch to VOIP. Telephone companies have seen an enormous decline in demand for traditional long distance services in the last few years because of the dominance of IP Telephony. Since the user's inteet connection isn't affected by VOIP, they can keep on surfing the Net while talking, so the need for additional landlines declined rapidly. As IP Telephony has advanced, IP Telephones have increased in features. VOIP packages now routinely include more features than ever before. Although there is a charge for your inteet connection, the calls themselves incur no additional charges using most calling plans, so most users look at VOIP as being essentially free. For frequent long distance callers, the cost savings have been enormous. One nice feature about a VOIP telephone is that you can take it with you when you travel, and your calls will automatically be routed to you. Traditional phone service could not have dreamed of offering a feature like that for free. In many years, IP telephony is now light years beyond the service offered to telophony customers, even business class ones, five years ago and less. Like any other telecom package, VOIP deals from providers vary tremendously, so make sure you take a good look at the fine print before you sign up. You can find a very competively priced package if you look hard enough, so hold out for the most features. This is the year to step up to VOIP because of the competitive packages now available.
Using Online Forums To Promote Website Traffic
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Many web users frequently involve themselves in at least one online forum. Online forums are a great way to connect with others on a more personal level. Some forums are very informal and involve discussion on everyday issues, while others are more informational. If you are trying to find free ways to advertise your own website, using online forums to promote website traffic is a great idea. There are several ways you can use online forums to promote website traffic. You should carefully consider the various different approaches and how you want your company to be viewed before using a forum as a means of advertising. The easiest way you can use an online forum to promote your website, is by simply adding a link to your website in your forum "signature". Many forums allow each member to create a "signature" that is added to the bottom of each of their posts. If you include your website address, it is likely that others you chat with in the forums will become more familiar with the website name and probably even check it out. This is one of the most reserved ways to promote website traffic in online forums. This is a great option for someone who does not want to be as pushy about the advertising aspect. You can be more natural with the ad delivery by using forums in this manner. You can even begin visiting forums that you usually don't, just to get your "signature" out there more frequently across the web. Many blogs also allow comment sections where you can leave your website in your "signature", so take advantage of these avenues as well. You can also simply post advertisements into online forums. This is a more direct way of reaching those that read the forum. It is free indeed, however you need to be aware of a few things before using this approach. First, some online forum moderators do not allow direct advertisements on their boards. They usually don't do this to be mean or unreasonable; they do it to avoid the entire forum being filled with advertisements. It is possible that you may be able to sneak an advertisement in without being scolded, but it is better to follow the rules. Another thing to consider when using direct advertisements in online forums is that the entire approach may seem a little pushy. Many people consider online forums as a place that is personal and free from annoying ads. Therefore, they may not respond well to a direct advertisement as they may see it as being made by an intruder that is not part of the normal forum "family". Being bold enough to go this route however will most definitely give your site more traffic, because some of the readers will be prompted to check out more information from your post. When deciding to use online forums to promote website traffic you need to consider what types of forums would be most appropriate for your posts. You can certainly use forums that you regularly comment within, even if they have nothing to do with your website. People who are use to seeing your comments will likely respond warmly to your website just because they consider you familiar. In addition to your regular forums, consider searching for forums that have some sort of a link to the content on your website. For example, if you have a website about exercise, consider looking for a fitness forum to post within. After posting at the sites that are directly related to the content of your website, consider going to those that are somewhat related. Using the same example for the exercise website, consider also posting on sites that are about overall health or dieting. This will attract a broader audience. Overall, the more people you reach with your use of online forums to promote website traffic, the more positive results you will see. Using forums are perfect for those on a tight budget who still want to promote their site. Just be sure to consider forum rules and choose an appropriate approach before posting. You don't want to ruin your website's reputation or even the reputation of your business.
Rocket yourself into your own profitable Internet business
So you�re ready to bring out the entrepreneur in you. Or you already are an established entrepreneur and would like to push the bar even higher. Whatever your situation is, this article will help you to start a profitable Inteet business. The first step is to decide on the commodity or service that you would like to trade in the Inteet. If you are still not decided, here are some tips on how to choose: Make a list of things that you�d like to do. Make each activity the heading of a clean sheet of paper. On each activity sheet, list all types of business that can be related to such an activity. This is where you should be imaginative on new products that can be offered that is not yet in the market. Encircle the businesses that can last even during crisis. Basic human needs such as food, shelter and clothing, for example, will have demand at any point in time, so these maybe businesses that will last. One of those encircled items maybe your business of choice. Once you have a shortlist of businesses in mind, ask your self the following questions to narrow your choice further: Will I enjoy doing this? Most successful businesses thrive because the owner is passionately dedicated to it. Thriving in a business requires endurance, especially during the start-up phase, so you must love what you�re doing in order to continue doing it for a long time. Can I be an expert in this field? When you have a toothache, you don�t go to the Family doctor and expect to be relieved of it. You naturally go to the dentist, because he specializes in tooth care and repair. Your intended inteet business will be preferred by consumers if you are specialized in the field that you intend to do business in. Will this succeed in an inteet-based set-up? Traditional business schools will teach you that the location of your business is a key factor to its success. The Inteet is, as any address, a good location for your business. In fact, since 2001, inteet-based transactions have been growing exponentially from 14% to 44% per year. This alone can inspire every businessman out there to carve his own niche in the world of e-commerce! If, after careful consideration, you are still not decided on what product or service to sell, there are other options into establishing an Inteet Business, described below: Resell Products You Bought in Bulk. If you are at a loss for your own product, why not sell those of others that already established their name? Wholesalers often sell at a lower price for those buying in big volumes regularly. This mode of Inteet business is ideal for products that have not reached rural areas due to limited distribution capabilities. Inteet Business with Direct Sales. There are companies who choose direct sales as a mode of distribution for their product, that is, they do not go through retail stores or don�t have their own retail chain. They partner with individuals or small companies to sell their products. The advantage of partnering with these Direct Sales companies is that they have established a structure for sales, marketing and after-sales support. All you have to do is apply those and you ea commission. Affiliate Programs: This last type of Inteet Business deals with marketing someone else's products by being their affiliate. By taking on an affiliate program, you are paid based on the percentage of sales made through your referral. By now, you would have picked one specific business among the four types above. Now it�s time to begin your e-venture. Create a Business Plan. This step is important in the success of your Inteet business. A well-written plan is specific narration of your business� objective, strategies, financials and success measures. This will be the entrepreneur's guide in breathing life to his Inteet business. Also, he can use this document as he invites investors, business partners or suppliers. The plan can be further developed into the business proposal, which he will use to entice his buyers. Carve out your E-Niche. The best way to take a place in the Inteet is to have your own website. Before leaing how to crate one, you need to understand the following terms: Web Host - the company that provides the network of computers to stores the files of web sites. Domain is a group of networked computers that share a common communications address. Examples would be .com, .org, .ws. In order to obtain a place in this network of computers (e.g., one must register with the company owning (or more aptly hosting) the network and pay the corresponding fee. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. This is the standard way of specifying the location of one�s website. In the example,, is the URL, and .com is the domain, where the URL is located. Server - a computer hardware that that provides the file hosting services to other computers (like yours and mine) that access the websites it stores. Some web hosts can offer dedicated servers for websites, while other have multiple websites in a shared server. Depending on the reliability that your Inteet Business requires and also the speed that your clients need in accessing and operating your website, you may choose between a dedicated and shared server. Consequently, prices for web hosting will vary. Now that you understand those terms, you can think of a name for your Inteet business in order to carve out your e-niche in the World Wide Web. Things to remember about naming your website: It is best to purchase your own domain name instead of using a sub-domain for free. For example, a free name would be A purchased domain name is To customers, having your own domain is more professional than being just a part of another business. Pick a name that is easy to remember and immediately identifies your Inteet business. If you are trading books over the Inteet, for example, naming your website will ensure that all those looking for books will visit your website. If your capital can afford it, buy all domain names that maybe closely related to your Inteet business. By the above example, you may choose to buy also,, etc. You may channel all those addresses into a single webpage (called domain forwarding), which ensures you have a monopoly of the trade. Upon registration of your domain name, you will also sign-up with a Web hosting company. Make sure to research the best deals and offers of each company before signing up. Aside from file size (amount of data you can store in their server) and band width (speed of data transfer from your website to the users), ask about website designing, e-mail hosting, historical uptime (amount the server is up and running, you want this 100%), back-up schedule and 24/7 support. The last thing you want is for your business to suffer just because your clients cannot access your website whenever they need to. Lastly, promote your Inteet Business. The first step is to make sure that your website ends up in the top 10 listed sites of search engines like Yahoo, Google, etc, called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). As a beginner, you may opt to sign up with companies that do this professionally for a fee. However, you can also do it on your own by reading up on tips on how to do SEO. Another way of promoting your Inteet Business is to use your e-mail signature to inform your friends about your new website. You can easily program your e-mail to have an auto signature to include your website name and a catchy phrase to lure your readers into clicking it. You can also have an affiliate program. Above, this was discussed as another Inteet Business in itself, but it can also be a means of promoting your website. Affiliate program means asking other people to promote your website through their website or e-mail programs. Sale made from referrals by your affiliate will be tracked and will be the basis of their payment, as a percentage of the sale. This is a very effective tool in getting wider coverage for your Inteet Business. With the Inteet Business still rocketing, there are endless possibilities !
Podcasting TheEasy Way To Get Started
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Imagine this: you're in your room facing your computer. Over the microphone you say, "Good day, listeners. Today's podcast is on... " And as you continue to say your piece, the recording continues. This record is what people in your neighborhood, in your city, across the country, and even in other parts of the globe can hear as they tune in from their computers or digital audio players. What are you doing? You are podcasting! As science tus imaginations into realities, you can become a DJ or to be specific, a podcaster, and have your own radio show, and be heard. Anywhere. Anytime. Anyhow you want it. You think this is cool? This is sub-zero cool! Just as we're getting accustomed to terminologies like e-mail, voice-chat, blogs, and so on, we now have PODCASTING. New Oxford Dictionary defines podcasting as "the digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the inteet for downloading to a personal audio player". But really, what is it? Podcasting is a conjuncture of the words "iPod", the most popular audio digital player created by Apple Computers, and "broadcast", which means to put on air; hence, the association of podcasting to iPod or Apple computers. However, any brand of digital audio player is okay and any computer with a built-in or add-on microphone and soundcard will do. The recording is uploaded into a website and becomes a web feed, aptly termed a podcast. Podcasts can be any music, advertisement, or information in audio or video format that is downloadable. They range from talk radio, comedy shows, news, political views, evangelization messages, language tutorials, business reports, and so on. Any subscriber can podcatch - meaning, download - and listen to podcasts. But you say you're not even trained or experienced to be a podcaster? There is no need at all. The charm of podcasting is that you can be your natural YOU! So gear up! Catch the finest podcasting software offer in the market. Get the Podcast Blaster Package and unlock a whole new world of podcasting made easy and more! In its exclusive offer, the Podcast Blaster Package is bundled with Podcast Manual, Podcast Software, Podcast Safe Music and Podcast Sound Files. The Podcast Manual will teach you how to record your podcast step-by-step, guide you on what equipment you need or add if you want to expand, and direct you on how to get the audience you want. The Podcast Software is the recording application -- intuitive, easy to navigate, and Macintosh or Windows-compatible. It comes with built-in special effects, user-friendly editing features, and proper export modules that will transform recording into podcast, no sweat! Finally, the Podcast Safe Music has over 100 sound files, or over 40MB, such as professionally produced voice-overs, loops, background effects, stingers and Podcast-safe music. The package also includes a guide to the best websites with free music downloads. If you get stuck with a technical problem, tu to the Podcast Blaster Team who will also assist your sales, refund, and other requests or inquiries. Podcast Blaster is confident you will be satisfied with the package that it offers 100% money-back guarantee! Plus, you get a special bonus software! Eager to get started? Go to m and lea more about this new milestone and on how to be a podcaster. Try podcasting and be among those who will dramatically transform the ever-changing landscape of this digital world.
The Global Village Never Sleeps
The Inteet is like New York, a city that never sleeps, except for the fact that it is not actually a city. The Web's 'anytime' nature is a boon for people who want to talk to someone at 4 am such as anyone who is doing shift work. Before the Inteet, if you finished work at 4 am, the only people awake were other shift workers such as your co-workers. The only people you could unwind with after work were the co-workers you probably wanted to get away from. Your only company were the people you were most likely to want to complain about to some understanding third party. Thanks to the Inteet shift workers can go into a chat room at any time and talk to people about their day. Some of these people will be in other time zones where everyone has just finished work and won't think twice about anyone who has just gotten home. The rest of the chat room will at least be used to people in other time zones on different schedules. This creates the interesting possibility of a shift worker establishing a friendship with someone a few streets away, who assumes their new friend who works from 10 pm until 4 am must be in another country. This 'anytime' aspect also helps insomniacs. When you can't sleep you can jump on the Inteet and talk to people to get your mind off whatever it is that's keeping you awake. If you are lucky you can talk out your problem online with a bunch of anonymous strangers. Then you can go back to bed and straight to sleep. My advice for when you can't sleep is to avoid lying in bed and dwelling on the time slowly passing, worried that you will never sleep again. Better to get up and do something, to make yourself even more tired so you can get to sleep. Not only does the Inteet let you talk to people twenty four hours a day, but you can find people with similar interests anytime. My brother-in-law Brad is currently obsessed with a board game called Stratego. It is my brother's fault for showing him this dice-less board game. My brother has since lost interest in the game and Brad was having trouble finding some to play against him. Brad doesn't seem interested in any of the games the rest of us want to play, especially not if they involve dice. Luckily, Brad discovered he could play Stratego online and play against real people all day and all night, which according to his wife is exactly what he has been doing since discovering the online version of the game. So from her perspective, maybe there is a downside to him being able to play his favourite game with someone, somewhere, anytime.
Working for money VS Building assets that makes money
I am always interested in inteet marketing.Because the inteet market is vast & the potential of financial reward is huge. I am looking into all the aspect of inteet marketing - ' Selling on line ' so to speak. But I found it very confusing. Every time you subscribe to a newsletter or a teach you how to make money online courses, the writer/marketeer want to push on to you their product. Whether it works or not. The more information you get, the more confusion you become. Besides the technical information about the computer is over whelming,so is the information from all the marketeer in the WORLD WILD WEB. Who to trust ? Which inteet marketing course to spend your hard ea money on ? Will it work ? so many questions but no answers. Then one day ,I was checking out ' A ' newsletter referred by another newsletter that I subscrebed to. that'new' newsletter completly open my eyes. One of the concept in this newsletter said,'GET OUT OF TRADING HOURS FOR DOLLARS MENTALITY,AND FOCUS ON BUILDING ASSETS THAT MAKE MONEY FOR ME WHILE I AM NOT WORKING.' it make perfect sense for me. Say you are making $100 dollars an hour( a very good hourly wage), to ea $500,000 a year, you have to work 5000 hours a year(base on 100 hours a week for a year).To ea $1000,000 a year, you have to work 10000 hours a year. Can you work that many hours ? Difinitely NOT ! Because there are only 8760 hours in a year. On top of that, you will have no time to enjoy life. Most people can't work 2000 hours per year. In another scenario,if you build an asset( for exemple, a money making website for a niche market ),it will make money for you while you are working or sleeping. Day or night, no hourly restrictions. Because one of the beauty of the inteet marketing is - Every thing is done automatically by the software & the hardware. Conclusion - Building assets that makes money infinitely are far better than working for money. SAM WONG This is just one of the concept that i pick up, for more amazing concepts & techniques GO TO you will be glad that you did
Network monitoring solution
Monday, July 13, 2009
IPMONTOR - NETWORK MONITORING SOLUTION IPMonitor is a sophisticated network monitoring solution that allows network administrators, webmasters, and Inteet service providers to monitor any networked device on the Inteet, corporate intranet, or TCP/IP LAN and receive alerts immediately via audible alarm, message, e-mail, or third-party software when a connection fails. It is a powerful personal monitoring product delivering low cost, simplicity of operation, and round-the-clock coverage. Main Features: * System tray application - Runs as a system tray application automatically on startup. * Comprehensive monitoring - Monitors up to 500 network devices or services simultaneously. * Global settings - Allows quick network resource configuration. * Independent parameters - Allows all parameters to be set independently for each network resource. * Maintenance mode - Permits you to temporarily disable monitoring of certain resources. * Robust alerting - Alerts you to failures using a variety of techniques ranging from audible alarms to third-party software. * Alert schedule - Allows you "fine tune" the alerting functions to avoid unnecessary alerting during an extended failure. * Failure and recovery alerts - Alerts can be enabled for any combination of failure and recovery notices. * Custom alerts - Allows custom alerts to be created for each monitored resource. * Test alert configuration - Each alert type can be tested in order to verify that the alert is configured correctly prior to going live. * E-mail notification - Allows e-mail notification via SMTP with the server of your choice. * Custom messages - Supports keyword values and customized message information. Avoid costly network downtime by using IPMonitor as your first line of defense. IPMonitor continually probes and transacts with network resources on timed intervals, to test their availability and responsiveness. If a failure occurs, IPMonitor automatically notifies you. The result? You are back in business faster! About Software Developer: Incorporated in early 2003 and headquartered in Haifa, Israel, Tsarfin Computing is a privately held company specializing in network diagnostic and monitoring software for the Inteet, corporate intranets, and TCP/IP local area networks. Today its products and custom solutions may be found in businesses all over the world, including a large number of Fortune 500 companies, as well as in thousands of smaller ventures. The company's product family includes NetInfo, one of the most widely used network toolkits and a pioneer in the grouped network tools arena, and IPMonitor, a sophisticated network monitoring solution. Product Requirements: * Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP * Inteet Explorer 5.5+
Why Do I Love All the Hype Online
The Power of Technology has brought so many conveniences to peoples� lives. This includes all the benefits people get from the Inteet. Everything was quite impossible before the invention of the Inteet. But now all the impossible became possible and doable. Before, nobody ever thought of the possibility of communicating anywhere in the world in seconds. No one has foreseen that one can ea a living while at the comforts of one�s home. Until finally, the Inteet has done it. Zeroing in on the income eaed from the Inteet and how money making has become possible and easy, people have embraced totally technology and have been taking advantage of all the benefits. That is where all these hype about the Inteet has been coming from and I too have loved it. With the Inteet, it is impossible for businesses to continue without a website. Customers expect them to have one for more information on their products and services. It is a way of presenting your business to customers. Advantages include: � A sign of being professional � Very little financial investment and start-up time � Presence in the worldwide web 24/7 � Efficient, effective and prompt communication medium � Cost-effective; savings from transportation, gasoline, food and suits that you should wear everyday in the office � Flexibility and freedom to work on your own schedule since you save a lot of time commuting to work than being stuck to traffic everyday � Free to experiment on marketing and sales strategies. Work your way to efficient sales strategies � Cost-effective way of finding and interacting with possible prospects � Easy way to automate your business with unlimited possibilities. Establish your order/payment system effectively, customer/technical support and inventory management system. The Inteet too has fulfilled the dreams of mothers, working students and those who want to ea extra bucks. But there are issues too that they have to consider before making a decision to join the ranks of professionals working at home. � FAMILY TIME. Since you are easily seen at home and available especially if you are a major decision maker, your family can readily barge into your home office for decision, chores and drained up sink. This means interruption to your work. There are no secretaries or voice mail to take your calls and messages. � NO TRAFFIC AND COMMUTING. Obviously, this is a tempting and attractive setup for those working at home. Imagine your bed just in the coer or in another room, a few steps away and the television set. This can be quite tempting too. Just be careful and finish your work first. � WORK YOUR OWN SCHEDULE. A flexible schedule is one of the benefits of working at home. But it may also be a drawback especially if you have poor time management skills. Be sure to make this setup work for you than become your Achilles� heel. These are issues that you need to be guarded from. Though, they are easy to combat with three tactics: 1. Work on an office-home set-up to manage family interruptions. Close door would mean not available for any type of interruption not unless a matter of life and death scenario, half-closed door would mean available for interruption but with a very good reason and a wide open door meaning available for any interruption even the mundane ones. 2. Do your work first then play second. One benefit of work at home jobs is a flexible schedule but be sure to have a strict work plan and follow it. You may compensate for day offs with your family and friends by starting your work early regularly or staying up late at nights. 3. Provide a to-do-list, work plan or schedule of workday. Set an office hour like you are working in an office. Working at home too is a test of character. You have the chance to prove your worth, develop your self-esteem and confidence. In case you have not notice, changing your career path and choosing to ea a living at home affects four different areas of your life. � PERSONALITY � if you are naturally independent, this kind of job is best for you though you have to work on balancing the fact that it is only yourself you have to depend on. � FAMILY LIFE � as it is said, your family will have more quality time with you but balance need to be achieved between family and job. � MONEY IN THE POCKET � working anytime and anywhere and an inexpensive way to setup can give you good savings but it may take awhile before you ea something to save and there is an absence too of an effective IT support when it goes wrong. � WORK PRACTICALITIES � greatest challenge that you have to face while working home is the balance between family interruptions and job. All these are posted challenges to you as a home-based work professional but this should not stop you from enjoying all the benefits and the hype online.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Web surfing?It is now considered both an art and an exact science. Millions of people are now connected through the inteet. There are millions of homepages/websites that are available to a web surfer. Web sites can range from domestic, commercial and academic to govement networks, personal and service oriented. The inteet, which was once a military and academic experiment, became phenomenal during the 1990��s. Right now, it is part of our daily routines. We send and receive emails, chat, download mp3s, file share, do research, buy and sell stuff and do a thousand more activities through the inteet. The inteet revolutionized the idea of having a globalized community. It had such a profound impact on our worldviews, on the cultures and ideas of the world and on other various fields. There are a million possibilities in the inteet. How are you using it? Are you running out of websites to surf? Do you want to maximize your time at the inteet cafe? Do you think that there are fewer and fewer websites that are cool nowadays? Are down to checking your mail, chatting and downloading mp3s? Do you want to do more than that? Here are some down and dirty tricks to maximize your cyber surfing experience: 1. Use Search Engines. Specific search engines can give you specific results. Google is one that has the most number and the fastest hits. However, there are times when Google hits are too many that you get more garbage than actual useful results. Using a couple of search engines is also important. Having a specific search engine for your local searches will help reduce unwanted hits. Yahoo is a good way of handling most of your image searches. Most search engines also have local versions. You can know it by looking for the country��s code in the URL. It is preceded by a dot. Examples of these are .kr for Korea, .ca for Canada, .sg for Singapore, etc. You should know your country��s country code. There are also search engines that look through other search engines. One example of this is Meta Crawler. Search engines have different lists of homepages, so it��s also good if you try and search more than one. 2. Pay attention to Links. Did you ever search for a band? Try looking at their list of links. These links can be gateways to other similar-genre bands. Most of the homepages available in the inteet have LINKS dedicated to other websites under the similar fields or additional information that complements the website. What are the sites that you are currently searching? What are your interests? Try your favorite website, look for links and try jumping from one link to another. 3. Make a list of your interests. Oftentimes, people surf the inteet without thinking much about their interests. IF you try and jot down all the fields that you are interested in, then you will have a bigger chance of finding cool websites. Are you interested in underground film making? Do you want to watch video streams of your favorite TV show? Then try searching for them. Remember that your interests are the �?cool�� things for you. 4. Use proxies if sites are blocked. You might be surfing the net through a firewall. In this case, you might not maximize your inteet experience because many sites and hits are filtered out. If you are trying to search sites while at work, chances are the computer network that you are using has lots of restrictions. Proxies can help you search restricted and filtered sites anonymously. Some proxies need a proxy software which can be downloaded for free while some offer free proxy websites. There are also those that require you to subscribe for a minimum fee. 5. Pay attention to details. When I searched for Pantera, I leaed about Phil Anselmo so I searched engines about him where I saw the name Seth Putnam mentioned. I tried searching for him, and thus I found AC which is his band. Details are clues to other cooler websites. Another way of maximizing your cyber experience is by doing a random jump to an event, a person, entity, organization, product, place or phenomenon which is mentioned. 6. Be equipped. Some sites cannot open with Firefox or other inteet browsers. Majority of the sites available are either Netscape or Microsoft Explorer compatible. An updated version of your software is important too if you want to view new sites. Nowadays, there are a many sites that run on Flash so it��s also good to have a Macromedia Flash installed. Other enhancers that are useful in surfing the net are firewalls and anti-virus software. Remember that it��s better to be safe than sorry. Viruses can keep you from viewing sites. Eliminate the threats by preparing for them. A person��s surfing habits differ from each other. Your needs are personal and specific depending on your interests. Moreover, being cool or having seen a cool website is subject to personal preference and public opinion. So it��s good if you know how to maximize your cyber experience. Enjoy web surfing!
Reflections on Media Independence produced by the Internet
Rapid technological advancements in the 21st Century have ensured that society is now more connected, and there are an increased number of media channels available. Unfortunately, due to dominant media ownerships some would argue that though we have a choice in what we want to watch, our choice is still limited due to tight media control. However, to a limited extent media independence is now being balanced due to the increased popularity of the Inteet. This can be clearly illustrated with the level of interaction in chat rooms and blogging. E-mails are being used more frequently, hence influencing the level of communication efficiency. Furthermore, even though advertising companies and people with the technological skill to design and build websites are still dominant in the communication sector, software programs such as Dreamweaver and Microsoft Frontpage provide easy web building packages that enable quick and effective website building for beginners. As a result, media independence is gained with the increasing use of the Inteet. Firstly, Inteet and blogging in particular, does not create an age barrier to who can participate. For example, a teenager and a more mature person could have the same opportunity to voice their opinions on the Inteet. Also, although it can be argued that the people who do not possess technological skills may be disadvantaged, once the skill is acquired, then people will be able to participate. The author of a webpage or an article has the option of remaining anonymous or writing under a false name, hence, an increase in freedom of speech and a reduction of the risk of being associated with a certain ideology or discourse by a reader. The Inteet is promoting greater independence, as minority groups are able to express their views publicly and information can be shared rapidly. There are many benefits to blogging on the Inteet. One of the most positive aspects in regards to blogging is that it does not require any technological knowledge, and blogs have the opportunity to be read by people from other cultures and nations. E-mails have also played a pivotal role in creating media independence. Although e-mails are seen as a form of communication technology, they can also be shared between groups of people. Therefore, increasing the speed of connection and amount of people that will be able to read email has greatly impacted on the sophistication of the Inteet and its ability to enhance global communication. E-mails offer instant communication. Rapid communication has led to further enhancement in the exchange of ideas between people, resulting in global networking and increases in inteational business activities. However, e-mails only benefit those who are literate and those who are able to gain access to the technology. For many citizens in developing countries or the poor in developed countries, the privilege of accessing this tool is not available, hence, although email promotes independence through communication, it also marginalizes those who are unable or cannot afford to use it. Software packages such as Dreamweaver and Microsoft Frontpage are designed to assist beginners and those who enjoy using the programs. For example, the program Dreamweaver has basic instructions that show the customer how to design a webpage. The program teaches beginners by using terms that are non-jargon coupled with simple instructions. Similarly, Microsoft Frontpage is also an easy-to-use computer software program that takes advantage of its easy-to-manipulate templates and lack of html usage. This encourages first-time users to explore and develop their technical skills. In conclusion, due to the rapid pace of globalisation, the Inteet has allowed society to become more interconnected. Although the Inteet does marginalise those who cannot afford or do not have the skill to use it, services such as web hosting companies and easy-to-use software programs are available. The Inteet is constantly changing. It has allowed a wider range of contribution from people with varying discourses and ideologies, making this form of media more independent.
What makes E Bay stand out for Buyers
Saturday, July 11, 2009
E-Bay is certainly a hit to the market especially for the buyers. The concept of online shopping or bidding for that matter do not appeal too much for buyers but the emergence of E-Bay made a difference to that. Both buyers and sellers are flocking in the site in order to conduct their business there. What is the real reason why E-Bay became a hit for buyers? Well, one of the reasons for the success is the concept that E-Bay had. Auctioning is a good way to bargain the products but at the same time still have a profitable business. The concept also of people from all over the world makes it more fun. Most buyers are also looking for a sweet deal in the inteet because they originally have the original price in their hands. A good yet quality bargain for customers is important because they are looking for their money's worth. Aside from that, E-Bay serves as an online mall or "inteet shopping haven" for buyers that do not want to be bothered when it comes to hopping from shops to shops. E-Bay offers a variety of choices for their buyers which make it fun. The choices and alteatives that E-Bay offers attract customers who are always on the look out for something new and fresh. On the other hand, the transactions held in E-Bay are safer and secure if compared to other portals. In E-Bay, they guarantee the safety as well as the quality of products once a buyer has purchased it. When it comes to the design and lay-out, E-Bay keeps it simple and hassle-free which really is a priority for buyers that are not particularly technology sassy. The simple design that graces the computer screen is one of the reasons why people go to E-Bay and purchase what they want online. As others would say it, simplicity is the key and it is indeed a key to the success of E-Bay. Another factor which makes E-Bay click is the communication ability of the site. Both buyers and sellers have the chance to communicate openly with each other. Both parties could exchange views and opinions which could help both parties as well as E-Bay. E-Bay is viewed by buyers as a refreshing change against the tight grip of big companies towards buyers. In E-Bay there is freedom and choice in every transaction made.
One Way Links are better than Reciprocal Links
You probably know by now that where your website ranks in the search engine rankings dramatically affects how many visitors you have to your site. Did you also know that you can change where your site is ranked by being proactive and getting as many one way links to your site as possible? That is right, the more one way links you have on the Web that point back to your website the higher your site will be ranked. You are probably thinking this is amazing information and just what you need to get your site higher in the search engine rankings and more traffic, but how do you go about getting one way links and why would you prefer one way links as opposed to reciprocal links? The answer is easy! All you need to do to get one way links is to list your website with web directories or even buy one way links in the form of advertising on other websites! It is really easy to get as many one way links as you want to your website with a small investment of time or even your advertising budget. Many a web directory will allow you to submit your information free and advertising a one way link to your site on other websites is rather affordable as well. So, getting those one way links is pretty easy after all. One Way Links are Just Better Now, you might be wondering why you don't want to trade links or involve yourself in reciprocal linking. The answer is that one way links are simply better and weighed more heavily when it come to the search engines. Reciprocal links are in no way bad and will not hurt your website rankings at all. In fact, reciprocal links to help your site ranking to some extent. However, if you are going to put in your time and money to increasing your websites visibility then you will want to focus on one way links. It takes the same amount of tome, sometimes less, and you get the all important and heavier weighted one way links that will make your website receive search engine rankings you once only dreamed of. So, start linking your website with website directories, buying one way link advertising on other sites, and soon you will see your website ranking with the big search engines soaring higher than you ever imagined. Remember, the more links you have whether they be in web directories or on other websites the better it will be for your website so you should start working on one way links today. As you watch your site increase in the rankings you can keep submitting to more web directories and buying more one way link advertisements and if your goal is to be the number one ranked website on Google then you can do it with a little bit of work and determination.
Shopping For Women s Clothes on the Internet
Thursday, July 9, 2009
When you want to buy something new and exciting you might want to check out the new Vera Bradley lineup on the Inteet for you handbags and travel luggage. Or you can use the Inteet to look for women's clothing for all styles and types, including mateity clothes and the latest ponchos. Vera Bradley continues to lead the way with fashion in the handbag category that is both functional yet fun, making every woman feel as though the bag was designed just for her. Shopping online for your clothes can be a great way to not only save money but to also find the latest fashions and styles that you can't find in any of your local stores. This is a great way to get that special outfit that no one else has for your sister's wedding. The Inteet is filled with a multitude of shopping arenas that you can spend hours browsing through. And if you know exactly what you're looking for your task is even easier as you simple go searching for that one item. Shopping for women's clothes on the Inteet is a great way to travel to Paris from your armchair and shop for your mateity clothes or for cute ponchos. Or stop at the Vera Bradley website for information on their latest styles. The Inteet has changed the shopping experience forever since everything is now at your disposal with a simple click of the mouse. You'll be able to find women's clothing that is as wild as you can imagine or as classic as ever. The choices are all yours when it comes to online shopping. If you find yourself making a lot of purchase from one certain website see if you can sign up for their newsletter so that you can get even more great deals for the women's clothing that you buy. You'll soon find yourself saving hundreds of dollars on your fashion wardrobe.
The Art of e Commerce
So you've got your website, and people can email you about your products and services. The next step, if your home business is suitable, is to start selling them directly online. Why E-Commerce? E-commerce can be a massive business booster. If you sell reasonably small, easy-to-ship products (or services that don't need shipping), it can expand your market from your local neighbourhood to the whole world! You will also find that you get more repeat business, since people can easily re-order from you without having to call you again, and you might find that you can afford to sell lower-value things in your web store than you could in real life, thanks to the reduced overheads. Setting Up E-Commerce. If you've already got a website, setting up e-commerce can be surprisingly easy. The only real requirements are that you get some e-commerce software (it's not that expensive, and some like OScommerce are even free), and that your web hosting will support whatever programming language the software is written in. If you think that sounds a bit too technical, just take a look through the help section of your hosting company's website -- you should find something there that explains your specific situation. You never know: some hosts already have everything set up for you, and all you have to do is press a button! Consistent Design. It is important for the e-commerce section of your site to appear to be integrated into the rest of it. You should have clear links to your store on each page of your website, and the design of the store itself should be consistent with what has gone before. If your store looks out of place, it shouldn't be too expensive to get whoever designed your website to quickly adapt that design as an e-commerce template. A Matter of Inventory. Once you've got your 'shop' up and running, the next step is to configure it. This mostly involves telling it what you plan to sell, i.e. entering descriptions and prices for the items, as well as uploading pictures. Take some time with the pictures, and make them large and easy to see on the screen. The descriptions should list every feature and benefit each product has, and you might wish to set the prices 10% or so below your normal levels, as an 'online discount'. It is important, though, that once you put your items on your e-commerce website you do not allow them to go out of stock. There are few things more frustrating for a customer than seeing something they want to buy and not being allowed to buy it -- or, worse, paying for something only to be told that it'll take weeks to arrive. Think like a customer, don't forget about your website, and keep things running smoothly. Delivery. Depending on what you sell, your delivery methods can vary. We could be talking about a package in the mail, or perhaps just a follow-up email. Whatever you're doing, though, make sure you do it quickly. Customers will get very nervous waiting, and won't appreciate it. Keep your customers updated at all times on how things are going -- never leave them hanging. Inputs and Outputs. Once you get these things down, though, e-commerce is simple enough that it can mostly be left to run itself. It's like a system of inputs and outputs that multiplies everything put in: you spend an hour or two telling it what you've got, and out of the other end come orders and money. You'll find that almost all e-commerce stores easily pay for any time you put into them as soon as you make one or two sales. Don't Forget to Advertise It. You won't usually need any separate campaign for your e-commerce operation, but it's well worth mentioning its existence on your marketing materials. A few simple words before your web address on anything you hand out can work wonders. You'll find that many customers will be more eager to check out what you're selling when they can do it as easily as typing in a web address.
What To Do When After Winning A Bid And Then Changing Your Mind
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
As the old adage goes, nobody's perfect. There are things in this life that people do on one instance only to change his or her mind after a few minutes or so. On eBay, there are instances wherein online shoppers or bidders may find retracting a bid inevitable due to some unforeseen circumstances. Others find it tricky and sellers may find it maddening. But whatever the point is, buyers may still retract their bids even if they won the item. As much as the seller would be professional about the matter, buyers should also, by all means, do the most civilized thing to do - inform the seller about the reason why he or she would not push through with the sale. However, buyers may also do this legally, that is in accordance to the eBay policies. Buyers may declare a "clear error" especially when there were things done inadvertently. For example, the bidder mistakenly typed $100 instead of $10. When things like these happened, the buyer has to make appropriate actions at once. All they have to do is to tick the "Services" link situated on top of the navigation bar. On services, the buyer should tap the "Retract Your Bid" link found on the "Bidding and Buying Services" section. The item number should be placed on the space provided in the Bid Retractions page. Automated explanations are available and can be used by the bidder. Then, after the buyer had clicked on the "Retract Bid" tab, the bid amount will be deleted from the auction. The eBay management, in reality, is reasonable on things like these. In fact, eBay may accept whatever reasons buyers have whenever they want to pull back a certain bid. But then, it may pose harm on the bidder's reputation in the future. This can be tolerable especially if the reasons are valid, but nevertheless, it's still a big no-no when doing business on eBay. In the first place, it was clearly stated on the buyer's guide that the bid serves as a contract that binds the buyer to a commitment to make the necessary purchase of the item he or she had won. What's more, bidders may even lose the credibility and the chance to bid at some point especially if their bidding history were made known to most sellers. Indeed, retracting bids on eBay is not such a good practice to make, and can be a hard habit to break. All of these things boil down on one common point. That is, the buyer should never bid on an item if he or she is not yet even sure of buying it.
Outsourcing means fast efficient turnover and a competitive edge
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
An invaluable tool to business growth is outsourcing. It can be used strategically to influence corporate growth and financial stability. The key is to outsource work which is non-essential or areas where the company lacks expertise. This frees valuable resources which can focus on areas of competitive advantage. Growth can be enumerated in many ways not just in costs saved. When you outsource a specific project you save on time and resources spent on training required to complete the project successfully. You can haess the talent, technology, and expertise of niche providers. By outsourcing, you can appoint a consultant or company who has core competencies in the field and can complete the project within the given time. The company saves on hiring permanent employees, training, benefit payments, hidden costs, absenteeism, requirements of workspace, and equipment. The company focuses on core aspects and transfers the nitty-gritty of non core aspects to outsourced companies. This just means fast and efficient tuover as well as a competitive edge. Outsourcing is a way to maximize workforce flexibility without the added burdens of permanent financial commitments. One uses highly qualified consultants who can complete a particular project in no time at all. Time is money and by outsourcing a company saves valuable time which can be channeled productively, leading to growth. Capital is used efficiently without unnecessary wastage in overheads, office space, technology, and training. Outsourcing spurs growth by providing skilled manpower and increased productivity at lower costs. If the outsourcing is selected intelligently, it leads to tax breaks saving the company thousands of dollars. Further, business risk is shared by the outsourcing company which will know how to minimize or avoid risk in their area of expertise. The business world is moving at a fast pace and companies need to provide quick service and low rates. Outsourcing allows a firm to do just this, provides the most advanced technology, efficient service, and low rates. A company can, by outsourcing certain sectors provide in house support which will not be otherwise possible without expansion. So, one can gain economies of scale, efficiency as well as expanded expertise. To summarize, growth of a company when outsourcing is adopted can be evinced in: * Cash flow. * Emphasis on core competencies and long term value creation. * Minimization of risks by reliance on experts. * Using exteal talent and technologies when essential and keeping overheads small and manageable. * Infrastructure of large firms without associated burdens of large offices, greater number of permanent employees, and hidden costs of maintenance. * Improved process and project deliveries. * Service improvements. * Technology infusion. * Little or no capital investments. * Better project costing. * Asset conversion. In the mode world outsourcing is an intelligent way of handling a growing business poised for success in every field. also freelances for Submit free Press Release Site
Maintaining Ethical Standards In SEO
Monday, July 6, 2009
In all kinds of businesses, credibility is important. This is one of the primary principles that are being established by the companies. It must be prioritized above all other things because if not, they will surely loose their customers. In every country, there is always a provision that sets ethical standards when it deals about business. Even on the SEO or the search engine optimization companies, they are also very conceed with the maintenance of their integrity. It is easier to attract customers if the company is able to sustain a good name. It will also ensure a good profit, because the more subscribers who will patronize the business the greater the gain that they will have. The kind of employees that you have will reflect the totality of the company's management. This will reveal the manner on how you discipline your staff. It will also transpire to the people that will make them decide whether they will go for subscription in your company or not. In SEO, there are various ways to maintain its credibility. * Choose a trustworthy staff. Usually, chaos and controversies within the company starts when misunderstanding exists. Make sure that when you accept applicants as your future employees you are guaranteed that they have a good morale. Even though the task of the employees in SEO will be merely focusing on computer works but still it is very important since you will be making transactions within and outside your offices. * Small things should not be made complicated. If there are little problems that arise in running the business, better discuss it immediately before it grows into a bigger problem. * Problems arising in the company must be tackled within the office only. Avoid things that will likely worsen the situation, commonly this is the problem of the companies. Matters that deal on inteal conces must not reach the other offices. There are times that your opponent company may use the controversy against you that will lead to the obliteration of your name. * Always appear cheerful towards your customers. In spite of the inteal problems that you are probably encountering do not take it as burden up to the point that you will disregard the welfare of your subscribers already. You will lose a lot of them if you continue doing this, so always remain positive to them at all times. Some of the noted unethical practices that are very known to search engine optimization are cloaking and issue, doorway pages or hidden links and sometimes hidden texts. These malpractices are treated to be forbidden by various search engines. Beware about this because once they discover these strategies used in your website, you will surely be banned. Sadly, once your site is ban you will not only loose your ranking but as well as the money that you have invested on it. Everything will tu into nothing so it is better to be honest at all times. Do not grab for profit in an immoral way because you will just suffer the consequence in the end. So, ethical standards will be comprised of all the factors surrounding the entire management of the company. It is not a matter of questioning your manager's individual personality or even the staff but on their morale inside their work.
Virus Protection not enough to keep your system safe
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Inteet is a dangerous place for people as well as computer systems. Every day there is a new threat that seeks to do harm to your computer and the information contained within your hard drive. Many people believe that they are protected because they have anti-virus protection. Sadly, this is not the case. There are many threats that your anti-virus software will not protect you against. If you are surfing the Inteet with just anti-virus protection then you may already have malicious programs running in your computer 'background', unknown to you and doing irreparable harm. These programs are more commonly referred to as spyware. Spyware is similar in nature to a computer virus in that they both infiltrate and affect system resources and often times both are hard to detect. The main reason that anti-virus does not protect against such threats is because spyware does not appear to be malicious. Often times spyware is disguised as something as harmless as a computer cookie. Once it is logged into your system a whole host of problems can occur. By its very name, spyware is used to spy on your computer system. This gives whoever created the code a chance to access all of the confidential data that is stored on your hard drive, like passwords, financial data, and personal identification items. Hackers can also use spyware to hijack your computer system and use your accounts for illegal activities such as sending spam mails from your email account, or worse-stealing credit card information. Of course this is all happening right under your nose because your anti-virus protection software was never meant to catch this new kind of code. People often ask how they can avoid getting spyware. The simple answer is there is no way to keep from getting spyware, absent setting your browser security options to a very high level, but there is a way to remove it from your system before it does any damage. You will need to purchase and use spyware removal software. This is the only effective method to protect yourself and your computer from the malicious content that is found on the web. A spyware removal program acts as a sweeper, and ultimately a protector by destroying the spyware code found on your drives. It is as simple as that. The best course of action that one should take is to run the spyware removal software after each session on the web, or weekly if that is to much of a burden. There is no way to avoid all of the potential threats that are on the net these days. Even if you visit only reputable sites that you have visited before you still run a high risk of getting spyware. Most often, a webmaster has no idea that his site is being used to distribute spyware. Producers of the spyware code are getting smarter everyday, and they're leaing to cover their tracks well. The only way to protect yourself is with this knowledge and a great spyware removal program. If you need the very best in spyware removal then visit Here you will be provided with the best spyware removal program that is currently available on the market, hands down.
The eBay Blacklist
Saturday, July 4, 2009
eBay can be most likened to an online flea market. But, as with most flea markets, there is always the possibility that questionable hawkers lurk around the coers. Therefore, there must be rules in place to insure that the auctions and transactions formed through eBay are legal. Only then can a market - online or not - flourish. Certain types of items are prohibited or regulated on eBay. eBay reserves the right to terminate auctions that violate its specifications for allowed items on listing. In the case of such, eBay emails the bidder and the seller to notify them of the violation and to explain the need to terminate the auction. eBay's policies describe items that may not be posted for auction. They fall under three categories: Prohibited Questionable, and Potentially Infringing. Prohibited This describes items that are not permitted on eBay. This list includes alcohol, tobacco, drugs, animals, human parts or remains, govement properties, lottery tickets, and others. eBay contains a complete list of such in their policy statement. Questionable Items listed as questionable can be posted provided they follow certain conditions. For example, some adult material may be listed for auctioning only if they are posted in the Mature Audiences section of eBay. Event tickets may be sold provided that the auction closes before the actual event itself. The list also includes batteries, artifacts, food, used items, event tickets, weapons and knives, police related equipment, Freon, hazardous chemicals, offensive material, mature audiences material, inteational selling, and inteational buying among others. Potentially Infringing Items listed under this heading may be legal. However, they almost always violate copyright, trademark, and other rights. Some examples of such are: academic software, beta software, bootleg recordings, contracts and tickets, downloadable media, movie prints, OEM software, Replica and counterfeit items, and unauthorized copies. This list is updated periodically and is incorporated into the User Agreement of eBay. These guidelines do not represent legal advice. It would do well to check with law enforcement agencies, a lawyer, or other legal outlets to verify the legality of a questionable item to be posted. This policy applies even if you offer to give your item away for free. As long as it is posted on eBay, it is subject to the abovementioned policy. As a final note, it is stressed that the buyer if subject to liability if he or she purchases an illegal item. It is still the responsibility of the buyers and sellers to monitor the legality of their transactions since eBay is merely a facilitator in the market process.
Which Niche To Conquer
By: Russell Brunson I'm sure that you've heard about how many start up companies fail when they first begin, and the reason that most (if not all) of their failures is because they don't create a good fountain to build on. If we start right, it is easy to go right all the time. But if we start wrong, it's much harder to go back and get it right. So please pay close attention, get out your pen and pencil, and let's get to work. When you first start, you need to decide which niche are you going to conquer. When I first started my online business, I made the same mistake that 99.9% of people make. I read an ebook about how to make money online, and I decided that I would... can you guess...? I wrote my own book about "how to make money." I compiled all of the regurgitated information I could find, put a twist on it, and started to sell it. After 2 weeks and a little over $30 in sales I started to think: "Why am I selling a book about how to make money... when I have NEVER in my life made any real money!?!" You may laugh, but it took me a few weeks before I realized that there was a problem there. I decided to stop selling my book, and started to look for other ways to make money online. What I stumbled upon next really gets exciting. I was going to college at the time, and my degree is in "Computer Information Systems." I knew some things about programming, but not enough to create anything real. What I did know is where programmers spend their time online. So I started visiting places where you could hire programmers and got to know a few. I then started to search for a market that needed something. What I came upon was the "Resale Rights" market. Basically this was people buying and selling digital products (ebooks and software) that they could then go and sell to other people. This concept really excited me. I purchased a lot of these products, but struggled to sell them because all of the products had links back to the author's websites. These authors were making money every time I sold these products... on the backend. When I realized that, the first thing I thought was, "I wish that had a way to brand all of these files with my own links." And there the idea was bo. I just needed to create a product that would brand these "resale rights" products. I wouldn't be competing directly with that market, but make a complementary product that would benefit them all. I went back to the programmers that I had been building relationships with, and gave them my idea. Within a matter of weeks they created a product that is now known as Zip Brander. (You can see the product at I'm not going to go into how I marketed it in this lesson (I'll save that for another day), but with the one product I made over $1,000 my first month with it, and it made us over $50,000 in 2004 alone. Since then I've been able to branch out to a lot of various niches and have had amazing success in most of them. In other issues I will share exact case studies of these that you will be able to model in your businesses. How To Pick The Right Niche I want to show you now how to choose your niche. Just follow these 3 simple steps. Step 1 - Do not choose the "how to make money" niche. I'm not sure why, but I made this mistake along with thousands of other people. This is the most competitive niche in the world. If you want to fight against the marketers, good luck. But there is a lot more money (and it's made a lot easier) in the niches I'll explain below. Step 2 - Look at your personal talents, and start from there. I have had this conversation more then once - usually every time I discuss an online business with someone. I ask them what their hobbies are that we could market, and they almost always they tell me that they don't have anything they could sell. The problem is that people usually look at their current job, and can't think of ways they can market that skill. Don't look at your current job, but look at what you do on your free time. The thing that is your passion. This is where you'll find your niche. Here are examples of the last 3 conversations I've had: Friend #1 - works construction, and couldn't think of a marketable skill. After 3 1/2 minutes realized that he has twin girls. Found there was a huge market for informational product in this niche and him and his wife are now working on their first product. Friend #2 - works as a manager at Office Depot. One the weekends loves to shot guns with his dad. They are creating a software program that helps people to increase their accuracy when shooting. They are also creating video demonstrations on how to improve your accuracy. Friend #3 - came to me asking for help promoting a "how to make money online" course. He had to call me using a video relay because he's deaf. I told him that he was going in the wrong direction with what he was promoting. He had no experience making money online. I asked him what his hobbies were, and surely enough told me he didn't have any that he could sell. Before I even asked that question I knew what his niche was. He's been speaking through sign language his whole life, and there are thousands of people searching every month on how to lea sign language. What do you do in your free time when no one else is around? Are you good at video games? Are you a good cook? Do you play any sports? Do you throw dinner parties? Do you collect anything? Can you play an instrument? What is your passion? When you can answer this... then you know what your niche is. Step 3 - Research your market. Don't worry - this part isn't nearly as hard as you'd think. Within about 5 minutes I can usually tell if a niche is worth looking at. There are 3 things you need to do, and you'll know if it's the right niche. First - Check out the search engines. There are a lot more advanced tools then this, but this one is completely free to use. Go to and type in your niche. This will show you how many times that word was searched for that month on their search engine. If there are a lot of people searching for it each money, the it's likely a good niche. Second - Search for online communities related to your niche. People with similar interests migrate to the same places online. Wrestlers hang out at wrestling forums, poets hang out in poetry message boards, etc... Go to and type in "________ forums" or "_________ message board" or "_______ groups" (put your niche in the blank). Visit these forums and see if they are active and how many members they have. You can often find forums with 10,000+ members in it. If you find good communities focused around your niche, then this is another good sign. Third - Search for similar products. If you can find others selling products in your niche, then it's usually a good sign that there's some life there. Purchase their products and get to know your competition (because they are going to become your JV partners in another lesson). After getting this far, you should have a good idea about which niche you would like to conquer, as well as some idea about if it is a profitable niche. In the next lesson we are going to discuss how you can tu those talents into a product. Product creation is one of the most exciting parts of the game for me, so look out for that lesson coming soon. Thanks, Russell Brunson
Improved Search Engine Ranks Strategies
Friday, July 3, 2009
SEO is a new animal. Many ask me if SEO is a new science or mathematical discipline. Absolutely not, SEO is an art. That's why you have the same odds to be successful in SEO like me or like anyone else. Yet, there are some improved search engine ranks strategies that you may use to get higher search engine ranks. I can not assure those strategies will always work but they may certainly help get into the big guys game. Let me describe a few of them: 1. "Links, links, links" - Even more important than the famous Donald Trumps' "Location, location, location". You must set a network of as many quality links to your sites as you can get. What are those quality links, you ask? Quality links are links to your website from other sites with a competitive key phrase in the hyper link text, linked to different pages in your web site from sites with high search engine ranks. You can build links with many like strategies such as affiliate marketing, exchanging links, articles submitting and others. 2. BE natural - Search engines like natural behavior. The days of quick make money inteet marketing cd are gone. You will have to add pages and build links gradually and consistently. You must be patient to get higher search engine ranks. 3. Benchmark and audit - There is only one thing in common for all the SEO experts. They all lea from their mistakes. Each of them has his own techniques of auditing and benchmarking. You could never stop researching and developing. Indeed, the inteet market is almost endless. Yet, so is the number of potential competitors. Personally, I have a set of auditing, researching and developing actions I do each month for each of my sites. Surprisingly, it works. Finally, you may use some tools to make things easier for you - from meta tags optimization services to article submitting services. Yet, those services cost money. I suggest you start doing the hard work by your self and slowly outsource some of the work. Good luck.
Why 99 of All Online Businesses Fail
Thursday, July 2, 2009
It is a fact that 99% of inteet businesses fail. According to the Department of Labor and Statistics, 75,000 new people subscribe to the Inteet daily. This is a startling statistic, considering that many people around the world already have access to the inteet. In line with that, 100,000 new web sites are built while 125,000 people start a home-based business per week. Knowing all these might discourage you from starting a new business online. But, do you now that 33% of all new billionaires make it through home-based business? If you do it right, your online business might be the easiest and one of the most profitable businesses you can do. To do this, you should know what the common mistakes a home-based business newbie usually makes.You should be able Where Am I Going? The first mistake is not having a clear path. After browsing through so many successful e-commerce websites, you are most likely to copy these sites in one way or another. But, remember you have to be different from them grab inteet users� attention. Thus, when presenting your webpage, there is a tendency to lose your identity. Visualizing what you want your website to be is the key step in starting a business in the inteet, or any other business for that matter. Create a detailed description of what you want and build from there. Knowing your path goes hand in hand with knowing your product. Your interests and passions should always be considered in developing a product. This is just one of the factors � bear in mind what people would pay for, thus think of the innovativeness and usefulness of your product. This requires thorough research and should never be taken for granted. How Can I Make Money? If you believe that you can make money in an online business in one fell swoop, you are most likely to fail. Running this type of business requires heaps of patience. To be able to be triumph in the world of online marketing, the key is building your contacts. It is given that you need to have resources to gain knowledge about your business, but it is an altogether different ball game in maintaining a steady growth of contacts. Without an expanding network of affiliates and partners, you won�t be able to succeed. Contacts will generate traffic in your website. Traffic will keep your business going. How can you generate traffic? Search engines can readily answer that. Inteet users usually go to different search engines like google, hotbot, altavista and many others to cater to their needs. The first thing to do is to submit your website to make it available for all the users to search. The downside to search engines is that they usually leave out important information about your product. Thus, it is important to lea how to copy write. This can highly optimize your website for search engines. If you know the right keywords, most interested inteet users can find their way into your website. However, if you don�t have time to lea this skill, you can hire copy writers. Do I Know How to Market my Product? Another mistake is not considering rules on offline marketing to online marketing. Being an entrepreneur, you should read up on offline marketing and apply them when running your home-based business. In handling a business, you should be able to use the necessary tools to build your network. Using email and message boards are satisfactory � you must be able to pick up the phone! It is always better to hear another�s voice in striking a business deal, that�s why the telephone is more effective. Am I Critical With All the Information I Read on the Inteet? Remember that the inteet is the information highway. Even the smartest of geniuses can become overwhelmed with all the information in the inteet. There are too many advertisements, tactics, and as mentioned earlier fast money-making schemes that will lure you into sidetracking from your real goal. As an inteet marketer, you should be able to filter all these information � those that are thrash and those that you need for your business to be a success. It�s hard, but to be able to recognize potentially helpful information is a must. According to statistics, the average new inteet marketer spends between $1,500.00 to $2,500.00 during the first year of their business on worthless products and programs. There are numerous �be-a-millionaire quick� schemes crawling around the inteet today. These are mere distractions that can throw you off your goal. These ploys usually offer instant money generating methods for large amounts. If you give in to any of these schemes, you will not only stray from your path, you will also lose lots of cash and precious time.
Moon Google takes you there Virgin Galactic lets you see the stars during the day
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Every kid who has ever lived has wondered what it would be like if they could travel to the Moon. Originally I assume they would have imagined it as a giant white disc that one could fall off of if you got too close to the precarious edge. Now we know that the experience is much more tangible and that it would involve the wearing of spacesuits and jumping and floating around in very low gravity. Did your parents used to tell you that there was a 'Man in the Moon', or that really the Moon was made of cheese? We've come to a new time and place in human history, and now you can travel into 'outer space' and to the Moon in more ways than one. First of all you've got to sit down at your computer and type in into your search engine (most probably Google as it has been deemed as the 'coolest' by the pros and the kids alike). Now check it out. Just like you can traverse along the Moon's surface searching out all the craters and bumps. You can zoom in and out so you can get the Moonbird's perspective down to the Moonworm. This is the real thing people. It even points out where the different Apollo missions landed. If you zoom in all the way you may even discover that the Moon's surface is composed of a different material than you thought previously! The second new way you can travel outside of earth's atmosphere is even more spectacular. Well actually, it's incredible. The only problem is that since it is such a new technology, the only people that can take advantage of the opportunity are the super-rich. Check out http://www.virgingalactic . This new venture from hip, cool billionaire Richard Branson is one of many that new companies are investing in the area of private commercial space travel (as opposed to govement-controlled like NASA). Currently Branson's company is already taking money for the flights that travel into sub-orbit; you can deposit $20,000 towards the current price of $200,000. Eventually they believe that it will become much more affordable so that everyday people also get an opportunity to see the continents from above. Click on the category entitled 'What will it be like?' The way they describe the experience is beautiful. They believe that this is just the first step in a long line of space travel experiences by humanity. Next will be the Moon, and then onwards out into the deeper reaches of 'Space'. Read about the technology behind this new spacecraft on the link 'How is this possible?' This is truly science -fiction that has once again come to fruition in reality, and isn't that always the way? The first trips are scheduled for 2010; better save up your pennies.
The Two Keys to Successful Niche Marketing
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Selling a product within a specific market niche can be a financially rewarding exercise. Niche marketing is on the rise, as savvy marketers recognize the lucrative opportunity presented by smaller, underserved markets. However, in order to successfully exploit its power, one must possess and understand the two keys to successful niche marketing. Finding the Right Niche With all the marketing hype online, it's easy to convince yourself that any niche can be a massive financial winner if targeted. However, this is not true. It is essential to find and isolate particular niches, but you must also be able to "read" them, in order to determine whether or not there is really a strong likelihood that they can be successfully penetrated and exploited. This requires an understanding of the niche, its demographics and tendencies. For many marketers, this effort is simply too time-consuming and complicated to undertake. Fortunately, services like Easy Niche Products can do the work for the marketer. Easy Niche Product produces ebooks designed for sale within specific niches. They choose the niches they tackle, carefully, first assessing its all aspect of its profit potential. Finding the Right Project Simply knowing there is a niche "ripe for the picking" isn't enough. One must have something to sell to those occupying the niche. This requires creation of a product specifically oriented to appeal to a niche's population. One of the quickest and efficient means to profiting within a particular market niche is via ebook sales. A marketer simply needs their well-honed sales skills and a quality ebook to sell. Ebook creation, however, may not be a perfect fit for many marketers. Writing an ebook requires writing skills, a knowledge of the subject matter and the preferences of the niche population, and a great deal of time and energy. May splendid marketers may not take advantage of the great opportunity provided by niche markets because of those conces. Instead, they should consider purchasing a subscription to Easy Niche Products, which will provide them with the custom ebooks and supporting materials they need to successfully make their mark in the niche. Easy Niche product, located at, provides full product packages specifically designed for maximum effectiveness within a niche. Niche market sales offer tremendous possible rewards to those able to find the right target areas and to supply the right materials. A smart marketer can easily outsource the work associated with these two keys to Easy Niche Product, a subscription service that understands what it takes to make niche marketing work. Easy Niche Product finds the underserved market segments and creates the perfect products for those segments. A quality marketer can then take those products and present them to the niche, knowing that his or her marketing skills will determine the endeavor's success. Reports from Easy Niche Product subscribers are universally supportive of the program's ability to arm marketers with all the resources they need to successfully encounter lucrative niches.
Internet Buying Safety
Despite the many conces, some now argue that it is actually safer to buy online than buying over the phone or handing your credit card over to someone in a shop. This is because if the online payment is handled properly, your banking details will be "encrypted", which means they cannot be viewed by anyone other than those handling the transaction - usually the banks. If you're still unsure, Card Watch, a banking group that works with the police and retailers to stop credit card fraud, offer the following "top ten tips" when buying online: 1. Make sure your web-browser (that's the software that you use to view websites, most commonly Inteet Explorer or Netscape) is set to the highest level of security notification and monitoring. These options are not always automatically activated when your computer is set-up, so check your manual or the "Help" option. 2. Check that you are using a recent version of your web-browser, as they often include better security features. Up to date versions can be downloaded free from the Microsoft or Netscape websites. If you have a different browser or use on-line services such as AOL or CompuServe, contact your ISP (Inteet Service Provider) or software supplier to find out how to activate their security features. 3. Before purchasing from a website, make a record of the retailer's contact details, including a street address and landline phone number. If these details are not available on the website, consider going elsewhere to buy. Do not rely on the e-mail address alone. 4. Do not enter personal details unless the security icon is displayed (this is a small padlock that normally appears at the bottom of your browser when you begin your transaction over the inteet). You can click on the padlock to see if the retailer has an encryption certificate. This should explain the type and extent of security and encryption it uses. Only use companies that have an encryption certificate and use secure transaction technology. The address of the page where you enter personal details should also start https://. 5. If you have and queries or conces, telephone the company before giving them your card details to reassure yourself that it is legitimate. 6. Print out your order and consider keeping copies of the retailer's terms and conditions and retu policy. Be aware that there may well be additional charges such as postage and shipping. When buying from overseas, always err on the side of caution and remember that it may be difficult to seek redress if problems arise. 7. Check statements from your bank or card issuer carefully as soon as you receive them. Raise any discrepancies with the retailer conceed in the first instance. If you find any transaction on your statement that you are certain you did not make, contact your card issuer immediately. 8. Ensure that you are fully aware of any payment commitments your are entering into, including whether you are instructing a single payment, or a series of payments. 9. Never disclose your card's PIN number to anyone, inlcluding people claiming to be from your bank or the police, and never write it down or send it over the inteet. 10. If you have any doubts about using your card, find another method of payment. For products to help keep you safe, visit Urban Safety Supplies. Also visit Hi-Tech Hidden Cameras for all your spy and surveillance needs.
Internet Effectiveness
Monday, June 29, 2009
It's now the year 2006. The inteet as we know it has been around for about 15 years. It's not new any more, but maturing, changing. It's no longer a question of whether people use the inteet, but rather how they use it. For businesses the question is: how do my employees, my suppliers, my existing and potential customers, and my community use the inteet, and how can I use the inteet to make life easier and more rewarding for them and as a result grow my business? Answering this question properly will bring good fortune. This question itself is not even new. Replace the word "inteet" with telephone, or automobile, or mail or television, check, credit cards, money, or even time, and you get a question whose answers have set the path for many a company's fortunes over the years. Answer the question correctly, pursue the answer and the consumer will bring you very good fortune indeed. What does today's inteet user look like? For a glimpse at some trends, consider a recent opinion survey conducted by eMarketer of US Inteet Retailers listing the following to be the top reasons for the continued explosive growth of online shopping: 1. The continued growth in demand for time-saving convenient services by all consumers (38.2%) 2. The greater acceptance of and familiarity with the inteet by today's adult (33.6%) 3. The maturation and growing buying power of today's web-savvy teens and young adults. (25.2%) 4. A growing dissatisfaction with shopping in stores (3.1%) According to these results, we are as a whole all looking to save time, increasingly familiar with and comfortable with the inteet, and the generation coming up even more so. That could help explain why online sales rose over 25% in 2005 or roughly nearly 4 times the growth in offline sales over the previous year. How do we here in Catawba County use the inteet to make life easier and rewarding for our customers, employees, and suppliers wherever they may be and therefore bring more success to our own businesses and community? 1. Realize the inteet is the most instant and far-reaching medium in existence. China has over 100 million inteet users already and is projected to surpass the US in usage within the next 5 years. Not impressed? How about in our own neighborhood? More people in our country today use the inteet to search for products and services, and even phone numbers than the telephone books themselves. Able to be much more up-to-date than traditional print media, it has gained the confidence and accessibility to provide greater time savings and convenience. 2. Know how to present your products and services attractively and efficiently on the inteet. First impressions last, and those first impressions happen quickly indeed. A recent Canadian study revealed that the brain can and does make flash judgments almost as quickly as the eye can take it in which tus out to be around 1/20th of a second to form an impression of a website. The study went on to discuss how these first impressions created either a positive or negative feeling that carried over into implied confidence or avoidance of the message that they then may take the time to comprehend. Good first impressions created trust, and a tendency to use that site to confirm their decision whereas the opposite was also true. Of course the site must then follow through with utility and avoid frustrating the user at any point, or they can leave quicker then they entered. 3. Just the creation and presentation of a website will not guarantee success. Advertisers in the US and Canada spent $5.75 billion on Search Engine Marketing in 2005 which was up 44 percent over 2004. The efficiency of being able to focus on a specific niche, measure real-time results and make instant adjustments in your marketing strategies is paying huge dividends to savvy advertisers in all industries. We can continue to increase our share of the global marketplace here in Catawba County by more effectively using one of the most incredible developments in communications and interaction the world has ever seen. It is no longer prudent to wait until the inteet comes into its own. The day has already arrived, and the world is increasingly buying from those who are there making their lives easier.
Seven Guaranteed Ways to Increase Your Online Sales
Sunday, June 28, 2009
So, you want to increase your online sales and land your business to the peak of success? Then, employ the best marketing strategies to make your dreams a reality. Today, having a successful online business is just as important as any kind of business available in the market today. It also requires a lot of knowledge, perseverance, and determination coming from business owners like you in order to succeed online. With online business, success can be measured through sales. Whether you have increasing or decreasing sales, still, it is the most important variable that should be taken with utmost attention and consideration. This only means that if your online sales are increasing, good for you. But if your online sales are on the other way around, then, you really have to do something about it. Taking your online sales for granted will mean the end of your online business. This is because the minute you did not analyze the status of your online sales, you will never know if you are still making any profit. If in the event your online sales suddenly made a downfall, try to investigate the matter and look for any reasons why it happened. Nevertheless, if you really want to increase your online sales, whether it is continuously escalating or not, here are seven practical and guaranteed ways to increase your online sales: 1. Convert your visitors to customers by encouraging them to some impulse buying activities. You can increase your online sales by converting your visitors into customers. You need to entice them that what they have seen on your site is not just a want but also a need and that they really have to buy them now or they will miss the chance of having it. You can start by recommending or suggesting some related products. There are instances wherein your customers may not have thought of buying the product or have forgotten to purchase, but after you have suggested them through your ads, they instantly decide on purchasing it. You can also create a �buy now� phenomenon by advertising some �limited offers� on your site. Having a countdown on an item will entice them to make an immediate purchase. 2. Make good impressions. It is relatively important to have creative designs on your web site so that it will be worth �bookmarking.� In order to make your customers bookmark your site, your site should be able to suffice the generally necessitated information of your would-be customers. Keep in mind that people who are online are most likely those who need some pertinent information, and if they see that your site can be useful, they will take note of it. So, try to make use of freebies, useful articles, eBooks, ezines, etc. 3. Recommend some �online-only� exclusives Usually, people who use the Inteet are just browsing for some information on different web sites. With regards to sales, most people would normally browse the Inteet to know something about the product they wish to buy and to know the current amount of the product in the market. After obtaining the needed information, they would leave the site and go on buying the product from their local store. Hence, it would be better if you will promote an offer that your customer can only avail on your site. You can also tell them that they will be getting some freebies like free eBook once they decide to purchase your product at once. 4. Provide some complete product information and some colorful and clear photographs of your products. Like what the consumers would usually do when shopping in their local department store, online buyers would also love to see what they are buying. Moreover, they want to know more information regarding the product and the benefits they can derive from purchasing it. Hence, it would be better to provide some detailed information and clear pictures of your product. 5. Make registration and sign-ups easy. There are instances wherein buyers are really enticed to buy your product but the minute they realize how hard it is just to sign-up, chances are, they would drop the subject and browse to other sites. Hence, it is important to make the registration process as easy as 1-2-3. 6. Gain some trusts Because the Inteet is such a wild place and fraudulent activities are just about anywhere, it would be better to provide some �privacy statements� or trust certificates that would suggest to your customers that you could be trusted. It is important to let your customers know that any transactions they will have with you are safe and that you will never use their information to any other purposes. 7. Use the mailing list One of the best and guaranteed ways to increase your online sales is to use mailing lists. These mailing lists provide you with email addresses of your customers. These are important tools in order to get hold of your customers contact information so that you can send them some promotions about your new product. Indeed, with all these things in your web site, you can surely expect notable increases on your online sales the next time you evaluate your online business.
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