Legal Music Downloads
Friday, July 17, 2009
With the scandals in past years involving the famous (or infamous) Napstar, more and more net users who love music are searching for good quality free legal music downloads. The Record Industry Association of America and the FBI are threatening to find and prosecute people who pass along illegal downloads. This is not an idle threat, since it is easier to trace people who download music illegally than it is to find people who make unauthorized recordings through conventional devices. Therefore, legal music downloads are a safer way of finding the music you want to listen to at no cost. Although some complain about the quality of most legal music downloads, fellow browers can give valuable hints and advice. There was once a vast library of legal music downloads with millions of recordings to choose from. This music "library" was, which was later bought by another company and taken offline (no doubt the purchaser realized that the company was giving jewels away for free). Although more than one lover of legal music downloads compared the dissolution of to the buing of the great library in Alexandria, there are ways to find great legal music downloads, although it takes much more investigation than was required in the heyday of Many independent musicians who are promoting their work provide legal music downloads from their sites for free. Although they may not be big names, they can sound like those at the top of the charts. It can be fun and exciting searching for these up and coming bands and downloading their music. You can get tips from other music lovers on what bands provide the best free music downloads, or many musicians will give you their information at concerts. The reason musicians can afford to offer free legal music downloads is that they see it as a way of promoting their music, and they know that those who enjoy the downloads often buy their CDs. It works on the same principle as the bookshop/cafes that allow shoppers to sip coffee and browse through their titles for free; samples increase actual sales. Since these independent musicians do not yet have big names, free legal music downloads is sometimes the only way they can give potential CD buyers an idea of their music. One of the best ways to find legal music downloads is through iRATE radio, which has a very large database of downloads, and enables the listener to download music, give reviews and rate each recording. You can look at other ratings and reviews as you submit your own, and from this feedback, you can find the best legal music downloads. IRATE radio will send you samples of music that fits your stipulated categories, and if you like a certain artist or style, it will automatically download new recordings for you. Word of mouth is the best way to locate your favorite legal music downloads, and several friends can get together and make a hobby out of searching for the best new downloads. It is a good idea to look through music magazines and e-zines for reviews of the best up and coming bands and artist. The reviewer will often give you a link to the artists' website which might contain free legal music downloads. However you find your music online, keep in mind that it is much easier and safer to stick to legal music downloads than to take advantage of offers that might involve a violation of copyright laws. In the old days of VHS, it was easy to just make a recording without anyone knowing about it, but most PCs can be easily traced, and your music downloads can be investigated by authorities. Therefore, if your dissatisfaction with the quality of many legal music downloads is tempting you to bend the rules, it might be a good idea to do a more thorough search among legal music downloads to find truly good ones. There are great independent bands out there who sound even better than the big names.
The Voip Revolution Is In Full Gear
Thursday, July 16, 2009
It's no understatement to say that VOIP has completely transormed the telecom world. Nothing is the same as it was even a mere decade ago, and that's because VOIP has become the killer app of broadband that technologists predicted. When early pioneers saw the potential of using common and cheap TCP connections to complete voice telephone calls over IP connections, they could not have imagined the incredible momentum their invention would take on in such a short amount of time. As the cost of broadband access plummeted, VOIP calls became a reality for millions of users. Telecom industry insiders have recently begun saying that they feel 90% of all voice calls will be VOIP within 3-5 years. Let's take a look at what VOIP is and what it can do for you. VOIP is a method which takes voice phone calls and then encodes them digitally. Once the call is digital it can be sent via the inteet to a remote listener. What makes this invention so revolutionary is that all of this can be done on a normal personal computer using easily available software. Once phone calls between continents costs incredible sums of money. Now the same call is almost completely free. This innovation has changed how people live and how businesses operate and has helped to make the econony truly global. Since the cost of talking to someone in Bangladesh is just as cheap as talking to someone in Fresno, Califoia, you have seen a revolution of jobs moving geographically and you've seen a boom in the outsourcing business. With VOIP, it no longer matters where you live, because you can talk to anyone in the world affordably. VOIP really took off when companies made adapters that allowed existing phones to make VOIP calls. This invention, plus the proliferation of broadband connections has allowed VOIP to spread incredibly fast. Since people can hook up easily and begin making free long distance phone calls, you can believe that most people haven't had to think twice before making the switch to VOIP. Telephone companies have seen an enormous decline in demand for traditional long distance services in the last few years because of the dominance of IP Telephony. Since the user's inteet connection isn't affected by VOIP, they can keep on surfing the Net while talking, so the need for additional landlines declined rapidly. As IP Telephony has advanced, IP Telephones have increased in features. VOIP packages now routinely include more features than ever before. Although there is a charge for your inteet connection, the calls themselves incur no additional charges using most calling plans, so most users look at VOIP as being essentially free. For frequent long distance callers, the cost savings have been enormous. One nice feature about a VOIP telephone is that you can take it with you when you travel, and your calls will automatically be routed to you. Traditional phone service could not have dreamed of offering a feature like that for free. In many years, IP telephony is now light years beyond the service offered to telophony customers, even business class ones, five years ago and less. Like any other telecom package, VOIP deals from providers vary tremendously, so make sure you take a good look at the fine print before you sign up. You can find a very competively priced package if you look hard enough, so hold out for the most features. This is the year to step up to VOIP because of the competitive packages now available.
Using Online Forums To Promote Website Traffic
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Many web users frequently involve themselves in at least one online forum. Online forums are a great way to connect with others on a more personal level. Some forums are very informal and involve discussion on everyday issues, while others are more informational. If you are trying to find free ways to advertise your own website, using online forums to promote website traffic is a great idea. There are several ways you can use online forums to promote website traffic. You should carefully consider the various different approaches and how you want your company to be viewed before using a forum as a means of advertising. The easiest way you can use an online forum to promote your website, is by simply adding a link to your website in your forum "signature". Many forums allow each member to create a "signature" that is added to the bottom of each of their posts. If you include your website address, it is likely that others you chat with in the forums will become more familiar with the website name and probably even check it out. This is one of the most reserved ways to promote website traffic in online forums. This is a great option for someone who does not want to be as pushy about the advertising aspect. You can be more natural with the ad delivery by using forums in this manner. You can even begin visiting forums that you usually don't, just to get your "signature" out there more frequently across the web. Many blogs also allow comment sections where you can leave your website in your "signature", so take advantage of these avenues as well. You can also simply post advertisements into online forums. This is a more direct way of reaching those that read the forum. It is free indeed, however you need to be aware of a few things before using this approach. First, some online forum moderators do not allow direct advertisements on their boards. They usually don't do this to be mean or unreasonable; they do it to avoid the entire forum being filled with advertisements. It is possible that you may be able to sneak an advertisement in without being scolded, but it is better to follow the rules. Another thing to consider when using direct advertisements in online forums is that the entire approach may seem a little pushy. Many people consider online forums as a place that is personal and free from annoying ads. Therefore, they may not respond well to a direct advertisement as they may see it as being made by an intruder that is not part of the normal forum "family". Being bold enough to go this route however will most definitely give your site more traffic, because some of the readers will be prompted to check out more information from your post. When deciding to use online forums to promote website traffic you need to consider what types of forums would be most appropriate for your posts. You can certainly use forums that you regularly comment within, even if they have nothing to do with your website. People who are use to seeing your comments will likely respond warmly to your website just because they consider you familiar. In addition to your regular forums, consider searching for forums that have some sort of a link to the content on your website. For example, if you have a website about exercise, consider looking for a fitness forum to post within. After posting at the sites that are directly related to the content of your website, consider going to those that are somewhat related. Using the same example for the exercise website, consider also posting on sites that are about overall health or dieting. This will attract a broader audience. Overall, the more people you reach with your use of online forums to promote website traffic, the more positive results you will see. Using forums are perfect for those on a tight budget who still want to promote their site. Just be sure to consider forum rules and choose an appropriate approach before posting. You don't want to ruin your website's reputation or even the reputation of your business.
Rocket yourself into your own profitable Internet business
So you�re ready to bring out the entrepreneur in you. Or you already are an established entrepreneur and would like to push the bar even higher. Whatever your situation is, this article will help you to start a profitable Inteet business. The first step is to decide on the commodity or service that you would like to trade in the Inteet. If you are still not decided, here are some tips on how to choose: Make a list of things that you�d like to do. Make each activity the heading of a clean sheet of paper. On each activity sheet, list all types of business that can be related to such an activity. This is where you should be imaginative on new products that can be offered that is not yet in the market. Encircle the businesses that can last even during crisis. Basic human needs such as food, shelter and clothing, for example, will have demand at any point in time, so these maybe businesses that will last. One of those encircled items maybe your business of choice. Once you have a shortlist of businesses in mind, ask your self the following questions to narrow your choice further: Will I enjoy doing this? Most successful businesses thrive because the owner is passionately dedicated to it. Thriving in a business requires endurance, especially during the start-up phase, so you must love what you�re doing in order to continue doing it for a long time. Can I be an expert in this field? When you have a toothache, you don�t go to the Family doctor and expect to be relieved of it. You naturally go to the dentist, because he specializes in tooth care and repair. Your intended inteet business will be preferred by consumers if you are specialized in the field that you intend to do business in. Will this succeed in an inteet-based set-up? Traditional business schools will teach you that the location of your business is a key factor to its success. The Inteet is, as any address, a good location for your business. In fact, since 2001, inteet-based transactions have been growing exponentially from 14% to 44% per year. This alone can inspire every businessman out there to carve his own niche in the world of e-commerce! If, after careful consideration, you are still not decided on what product or service to sell, there are other options into establishing an Inteet Business, described below: Resell Products You Bought in Bulk. If you are at a loss for your own product, why not sell those of others that already established their name? Wholesalers often sell at a lower price for those buying in big volumes regularly. This mode of Inteet business is ideal for products that have not reached rural areas due to limited distribution capabilities. Inteet Business with Direct Sales. There are companies who choose direct sales as a mode of distribution for their product, that is, they do not go through retail stores or don�t have their own retail chain. They partner with individuals or small companies to sell their products. The advantage of partnering with these Direct Sales companies is that they have established a structure for sales, marketing and after-sales support. All you have to do is apply those and you ea commission. Affiliate Programs: This last type of Inteet Business deals with marketing someone else's products by being their affiliate. By taking on an affiliate program, you are paid based on the percentage of sales made through your referral. By now, you would have picked one specific business among the four types above. Now it�s time to begin your e-venture. Create a Business Plan. This step is important in the success of your Inteet business. A well-written plan is specific narration of your business� objective, strategies, financials and success measures. This will be the entrepreneur's guide in breathing life to his Inteet business. Also, he can use this document as he invites investors, business partners or suppliers. The plan can be further developed into the business proposal, which he will use to entice his buyers. Carve out your E-Niche. The best way to take a place in the Inteet is to have your own website. Before leaing how to crate one, you need to understand the following terms: Web Host - the company that provides the network of computers to stores the files of web sites. Domain is a group of networked computers that share a common communications address. Examples would be .com, .org, .ws. In order to obtain a place in this network of computers (e.g., one must register with the company owning (or more aptly hosting) the network and pay the corresponding fee. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. This is the standard way of specifying the location of one�s website. In the example,, is the URL, and .com is the domain, where the URL is located. Server - a computer hardware that that provides the file hosting services to other computers (like yours and mine) that access the websites it stores. Some web hosts can offer dedicated servers for websites, while other have multiple websites in a shared server. Depending on the reliability that your Inteet Business requires and also the speed that your clients need in accessing and operating your website, you may choose between a dedicated and shared server. Consequently, prices for web hosting will vary. Now that you understand those terms, you can think of a name for your Inteet business in order to carve out your e-niche in the World Wide Web. Things to remember about naming your website: It is best to purchase your own domain name instead of using a sub-domain for free. For example, a free name would be A purchased domain name is To customers, having your own domain is more professional than being just a part of another business. Pick a name that is easy to remember and immediately identifies your Inteet business. If you are trading books over the Inteet, for example, naming your website will ensure that all those looking for books will visit your website. If your capital can afford it, buy all domain names that maybe closely related to your Inteet business. By the above example, you may choose to buy also,, etc. You may channel all those addresses into a single webpage (called domain forwarding), which ensures you have a monopoly of the trade. Upon registration of your domain name, you will also sign-up with a Web hosting company. Make sure to research the best deals and offers of each company before signing up. Aside from file size (amount of data you can store in their server) and band width (speed of data transfer from your website to the users), ask about website designing, e-mail hosting, historical uptime (amount the server is up and running, you want this 100%), back-up schedule and 24/7 support. The last thing you want is for your business to suffer just because your clients cannot access your website whenever they need to. Lastly, promote your Inteet Business. The first step is to make sure that your website ends up in the top 10 listed sites of search engines like Yahoo, Google, etc, called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). As a beginner, you may opt to sign up with companies that do this professionally for a fee. However, you can also do it on your own by reading up on tips on how to do SEO. Another way of promoting your Inteet Business is to use your e-mail signature to inform your friends about your new website. You can easily program your e-mail to have an auto signature to include your website name and a catchy phrase to lure your readers into clicking it. You can also have an affiliate program. Above, this was discussed as another Inteet Business in itself, but it can also be a means of promoting your website. Affiliate program means asking other people to promote your website through their website or e-mail programs. Sale made from referrals by your affiliate will be tracked and will be the basis of their payment, as a percentage of the sale. This is a very effective tool in getting wider coverage for your Inteet Business. With the Inteet Business still rocketing, there are endless possibilities !
Podcasting TheEasy Way To Get Started
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Imagine this: you're in your room facing your computer. Over the microphone you say, "Good day, listeners. Today's podcast is on... " And as you continue to say your piece, the recording continues. This record is what people in your neighborhood, in your city, across the country, and even in other parts of the globe can hear as they tune in from their computers or digital audio players. What are you doing? You are podcasting! As science tus imaginations into realities, you can become a DJ or to be specific, a podcaster, and have your own radio show, and be heard. Anywhere. Anytime. Anyhow you want it. You think this is cool? This is sub-zero cool! Just as we're getting accustomed to terminologies like e-mail, voice-chat, blogs, and so on, we now have PODCASTING. New Oxford Dictionary defines podcasting as "the digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the inteet for downloading to a personal audio player". But really, what is it? Podcasting is a conjuncture of the words "iPod", the most popular audio digital player created by Apple Computers, and "broadcast", which means to put on air; hence, the association of podcasting to iPod or Apple computers. However, any brand of digital audio player is okay and any computer with a built-in or add-on microphone and soundcard will do. The recording is uploaded into a website and becomes a web feed, aptly termed a podcast. Podcasts can be any music, advertisement, or information in audio or video format that is downloadable. They range from talk radio, comedy shows, news, political views, evangelization messages, language tutorials, business reports, and so on. Any subscriber can podcatch - meaning, download - and listen to podcasts. But you say you're not even trained or experienced to be a podcaster? There is no need at all. The charm of podcasting is that you can be your natural YOU! So gear up! Catch the finest podcasting software offer in the market. Get the Podcast Blaster Package and unlock a whole new world of podcasting made easy and more! In its exclusive offer, the Podcast Blaster Package is bundled with Podcast Manual, Podcast Software, Podcast Safe Music and Podcast Sound Files. The Podcast Manual will teach you how to record your podcast step-by-step, guide you on what equipment you need or add if you want to expand, and direct you on how to get the audience you want. The Podcast Software is the recording application -- intuitive, easy to navigate, and Macintosh or Windows-compatible. It comes with built-in special effects, user-friendly editing features, and proper export modules that will transform recording into podcast, no sweat! Finally, the Podcast Safe Music has over 100 sound files, or over 40MB, such as professionally produced voice-overs, loops, background effects, stingers and Podcast-safe music. The package also includes a guide to the best websites with free music downloads. If you get stuck with a technical problem, tu to the Podcast Blaster Team who will also assist your sales, refund, and other requests or inquiries. Podcast Blaster is confident you will be satisfied with the package that it offers 100% money-back guarantee! Plus, you get a special bonus software! Eager to get started? Go to m and lea more about this new milestone and on how to be a podcaster. Try podcasting and be among those who will dramatically transform the ever-changing landscape of this digital world.
The Global Village Never Sleeps
The Inteet is like New York, a city that never sleeps, except for the fact that it is not actually a city. The Web's 'anytime' nature is a boon for people who want to talk to someone at 4 am such as anyone who is doing shift work. Before the Inteet, if you finished work at 4 am, the only people awake were other shift workers such as your co-workers. The only people you could unwind with after work were the co-workers you probably wanted to get away from. Your only company were the people you were most likely to want to complain about to some understanding third party. Thanks to the Inteet shift workers can go into a chat room at any time and talk to people about their day. Some of these people will be in other time zones where everyone has just finished work and won't think twice about anyone who has just gotten home. The rest of the chat room will at least be used to people in other time zones on different schedules. This creates the interesting possibility of a shift worker establishing a friendship with someone a few streets away, who assumes their new friend who works from 10 pm until 4 am must be in another country. This 'anytime' aspect also helps insomniacs. When you can't sleep you can jump on the Inteet and talk to people to get your mind off whatever it is that's keeping you awake. If you are lucky you can talk out your problem online with a bunch of anonymous strangers. Then you can go back to bed and straight to sleep. My advice for when you can't sleep is to avoid lying in bed and dwelling on the time slowly passing, worried that you will never sleep again. Better to get up and do something, to make yourself even more tired so you can get to sleep. Not only does the Inteet let you talk to people twenty four hours a day, but you can find people with similar interests anytime. My brother-in-law Brad is currently obsessed with a board game called Stratego. It is my brother's fault for showing him this dice-less board game. My brother has since lost interest in the game and Brad was having trouble finding some to play against him. Brad doesn't seem interested in any of the games the rest of us want to play, especially not if they involve dice. Luckily, Brad discovered he could play Stratego online and play against real people all day and all night, which according to his wife is exactly what he has been doing since discovering the online version of the game. So from her perspective, maybe there is a downside to him being able to play his favourite game with someone, somewhere, anytime.
Working for money VS Building assets that makes money
I am always interested in inteet marketing.Because the inteet market is vast & the potential of financial reward is huge. I am looking into all the aspect of inteet marketing - ' Selling on line ' so to speak. But I found it very confusing. Every time you subscribe to a newsletter or a teach you how to make money online courses, the writer/marketeer want to push on to you their product. Whether it works or not. The more information you get, the more confusion you become. Besides the technical information about the computer is over whelming,so is the information from all the marketeer in the WORLD WILD WEB. Who to trust ? Which inteet marketing course to spend your hard ea money on ? Will it work ? so many questions but no answers. Then one day ,I was checking out ' A ' newsletter referred by another newsletter that I subscrebed to. that'new' newsletter completly open my eyes. One of the concept in this newsletter said,'GET OUT OF TRADING HOURS FOR DOLLARS MENTALITY,AND FOCUS ON BUILDING ASSETS THAT MAKE MONEY FOR ME WHILE I AM NOT WORKING.' it make perfect sense for me. Say you are making $100 dollars an hour( a very good hourly wage), to ea $500,000 a year, you have to work 5000 hours a year(base on 100 hours a week for a year).To ea $1000,000 a year, you have to work 10000 hours a year. Can you work that many hours ? Difinitely NOT ! Because there are only 8760 hours in a year. On top of that, you will have no time to enjoy life. Most people can't work 2000 hours per year. In another scenario,if you build an asset( for exemple, a money making website for a niche market ),it will make money for you while you are working or sleeping. Day or night, no hourly restrictions. Because one of the beauty of the inteet marketing is - Every thing is done automatically by the software & the hardware. Conclusion - Building assets that makes money infinitely are far better than working for money. SAM WONG This is just one of the concept that i pick up, for more amazing concepts & techniques GO TO you will be glad that you did
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