Studies show that you only have 46 seconds to convince a buyer, get him interested and close the deal. Why, well 46 seconds is the average time that a surfer spends on a website. And in that length of time, you�ll have to have enough ability or else showmanship, to get the prospective client interested in what you have to sell or whatever service you have and then get him to buy your products or services. The inteet is millions of megabytes of memory and electronic beeps and bumps, lets face it, your just a little piece of dust compared to the mountain that is the inteet, and to guarantee your success, you have to be that single piece of diamond in the big lump of dirt. So what is that you can do to stand out, and guarantee success for yourself? Well here are 10 tips that might boost you on the success wagon and get you going on your way. See the unseen No it�s not a mini s�ance or anything, but you have to find a different path toward a single consumer. If you find an unseen path, one that hasn�t yet been exploited by your competitors, you�ll surely be the only one on there and probably the only one the consumers will go to. Be Business minded Just because you know a bit about running a business doesn�t mean you�re an expert. Expand your knowledge, know more about your source of revenue, break even duration and other details right at the beginning so you�ll have an idea of what type of success rate to expect. Expect right from the beginning at which point you�d want to expand, or which point you�d want to slow down. The inteet can bring about drastic changes that can brood oveight and surprise you when you wake up, so be prepared. Use business Friendly Software Software that you are comfortable with and ones that are capable to catering toy our business needs should be first priority. Make sure that the software is rigid enough to be secure and focused on your venture, whilst flexible enough for future expansions and modifications. Aesthetical is radical People remember sites which look different, eye catching, but still comfortable and interesting to look at. Brands, banners ad logos should all be photographic memory friendly. Research about your customers, cater to their needs, know what interests them and incorporate this in your design. Show your specialty Attract your customer and make sure that she/he sees your specialty. Banner it, so that the customer remembers you, even if he she doesn�t intend on buying on the same day. Chances are, when he/she finds the need for that certain product, she�ll go directly to you. Be Unforgettable Find ways to inform past customers about expansion, recent innovations. Get in touch with them without being too annoying. Pamper them to ensure solid and constant sales. Regular promos and frequent buyer discounts will also be of great help. Show your Business on the Web Make yourself heard over the millions of voices. Search engine optimization is a good idea too. Search engines like Google and Altavista receive lots of traffic, and most of the sites that people visit are from hits on search engines. It wont hurt to associate yourself with other sites that have the same line of products or the same category. Link yourself to as many places as possible and make sure that your clients can find you in as many places as they can. Update and Maintain Strong Backend Operations Processes such as inventory processing, reporting systems, credit card processing etc. that are efficient can give the first impression that�ll make customers want to go back to you. Make sure that your system is foolproof, and should have backups in case of downtimes or unexpected problems. Lea from your mistakes Mistakes are part of everyday life, but make sure you cover them up before your competitors exploit you. Make plans for analyzing your system for mistakes or loopholes and solve them as fast as you ca before your competitors even find out. Everyone likes surprises Add incentives, promos, surprise your customers with larger than life incentives that will keep them coming back to you. Enhance your estore regularly, have regular product changes, think of offline events that can entertain and ca call out to your customers. The sky is the limit, imagination is all you need.
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